141 CHRYSTIE ST, New York, NY 10002, USA
https://www.noonehome.com/141 CHRYSTIE ST, New York, NY 10002, USA
https://www.noonehome.com/We have a commercial kitchen with two 6-foot hoods, a griddle, a fryer, two stacked ovens, prep station, 3 door low boy fridge, 2 reach-in fridges, and a walk-in fridge.
The rent for this space will be $300 per hour.
Hourly Rate (less than 8 hour rental) = $80/hr
Day Rate (8 hour rental) = $350
141 CHRYSTIE ST, New York, NY 10002, USA
See other kitchens in New York, NY.
Let us know about any information you want to change.
Increase your likelihood of getting a response! Read this article to make sure you are prepared to cook out of a commercial kitchen.