Newly constructed Shared Use Commissary Commercial Kitchen now accepting new Clients. Clean, spacious, open floor plan features 4 convection ovens, gas range, steam kettle and griddle, new dishwasher, multi-sinks, Hobart floor mixer, walk in refrigerators, reach-in freezers, stainless steel work spaces, many assorted useful appliances for the chefs ( see below) and storage space available for rent. USDA and WSDA certified kitchen. Conveniently located off Willows Rd. in industrial area of Redmond. Professional Chef available for consultation.
Food truck vendors may prep. food in the kitchen but trucks must stay offsite...per property manager.
Full time/ part time with hourly use rates available depending on availability. Minimum 10 hours per month. Contact us for prices as they may vary depending on your needs. Will need your own liability insurance and shared use agreement.
NE 95th St. , Willows Business Park , Redmond, WA 98052, USA
See other kitchens in Redmond, WA.
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