Great Location
14,000 sq. ft. State of the Art Facility
Customized Rates
We Provide it all … Just Bring Your Ideas and Get Started Today!!!
BLT Kitchens is a commercial kitchen for rent with two locations, our North location is off of 7th St and Dunlap and we have a NEW location, BLT-East, off of Power and Southern in Mesa (Mesa Location Early 2022). With over 14,000” sq ft we can provide the space for you to start or grow your business! We have two cooking lines, four walk-in fridges and freezers, and over 20 prep tables along with cooking equipment for you to work with. We have a shipping and receiving loading dock and commercial dishwasher.
Blt Kitchens is great for any meal prep, food truck, catering, farmers market and any food or beverage business. We provide a safe and clean work environment for you and your employees. The building is secure and we can allow 24/7 access.
Pricing packages can start as low as $250 a month and can be completely customizable to fit your business model. Please reach out for more additional information or visit our website for the rate card.
6727 N 47th Ave - Glendale - AZ, Glendale, AZ 85301, USA
First and Last Month on lease agreements
See other kitchens in Glendale, AZ.
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Increase your likelihood of getting a response! Read this article to make sure you are prepared to cook out of a commercial kitchen.