946 Penny Branch Road, Warsaw, NC 28398, Warsaw, NC 28398, USA
[email protected]946 Penny Branch Road, Warsaw, NC 28398, Warsaw, NC 28398, USA
[email protected]Our kitchen features 2 full kitchens, 1 common kitchen that houses steam kettle and tilt kettle, separate dishwash area, walk-in cooler and freezer, and dry commissary space. We have a dump and fill station for food trucks.
24/7 client access with keyless entry. 2 large bay doors for ease of moving products and supplies. Video security around premises.
Conveniently located just off of I40 in eastern NC.
Membership plans start at $130 monthly depending on needs.
946 Penny Branch Road, Warsaw, NC 28398, Warsaw, NC 28398, USA
See other kitchens in Warsaw, NC.
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