We are a weekend restaurant looking for renters Mon-Wed. The hours are 6am-10pm, or an 8 hour shift. We have a front take-out area, commercial kitchen in the back, and an adjacent side for storage and the restroom. The kitchen can be used for small business needs such as coming out the home for home based catering and meal prep businesses. Food prep for a food truck, catering, food prep for take out or delivery. It can even be used to prepare meals for large families. We have hourly rates, daily and monthly rates. We are willing to negotiate any terms and usage. To bring own equipment please contact us first.
In addition kitchen must be cleaned after every shift to avoid cleaning fee. We want to help grow other small business owners and see them succeed!!!
-$30 hourly
-$150 daily
-$1700 monthly
15638 Livingston Rd, #16, Accokeek, MD 20607, USA
See other kitchens in Accokeek, MD.
Let us know about any information you want to change.
Increase your likelihood of getting a response! Read this article to make sure you are prepared to cook out of a commercial kitchen.