324 N. Leavitt St., call call box, Chicago, IL 60601, USA
https://kitchenchicago.com324 N. Leavitt St., call call box, Chicago, IL 60601, USA
https://kitchenchicago.comOne of the biggest obstacles for starting a food business in Chicago is the high cost of setting up a commercial kitchen. Kitchen Chicago exists to help you overcome that obstacle. We are a fully equipped, commercially licensed, shared use kitchen in Chicago, IL, allowing you to build your business on an as needed basis with lowered risk and minimized start-up costs.
See website
324 N. Leavitt St., call call box, Chicago, IL 60601, USA
See other kitchens in Chicago, IL.
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Increase your likelihood of getting a response! Read this article to make sure you are prepared to cook out of a commercial kitchen.