ONE STOP commercial kitchen / service kitchen for new/experienced culinary professionals. We help you organize your documentation, get you prepared for licensing, host monthly meetings with our tenants to help build businesses and share ideas.
Requirements: DE Business License, ServSafe Manager Certification, Insurance, Security Deposit, and Background Check.
Please contact us with additional questions! If you are interested in touring the space please reach out and John will be in touch with you soon.
$100 monthly base charge plus $35/an hour OR $350 monthly base charge with 15 hours included, then $25/an hour if additional time is needed
1240 Capitol Trail, Newark, DE 19711, USA
See other kitchens in Newark, DE.
Let us know about any information you want to change.
Increase your likelihood of getting a response! Read this article to make sure you are prepared to cook out of a commercial kitchen.