We have a great community kitchen. Currently have 2 opening left, and only allow 3 companies to work inside kitchen. We have a walk in fridge, walk in freezer, double confection oven, 10 burners, 1 deep fryer, broiler, flat top, large 3 piece sink, large floor mixer, 8 six foot stainless steel prep tables, all sheet pans/bowls, mixers/utensils/pots/towels/cleaning chemicals.
This is a store front building with natural light. Can maybe do pop up/pick up if needed.
We only allow 3 different companies. All inclusive unlimited hours for $5,500. WIll get 1 3rd of walk in space, and your own dry storage shelf. Everyone gets along very well and we love creating a space for the culinary community.
Right of the the 51 highway. 16th street and Bethany Home Road. Very close to uptown Market on Saturdays for many of the food vendors.
All inclusive for all equipment and time. Can do custom pricing if you don't need much space or days. We like to keep it simple and easy with out so many extra charges and clocking in. If your a great fit with the others, there is always some wiggle room.
Bethany Home and 16th street, Phoenix, AZ 85016, USA
No charge for application
See other kitchens in Phoenix, AZ.
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Increase your likelihood of getting a response! Read this article to make sure you are prepared to cook out of a commercial kitchen.