We are a commissary kitchen located in Ormond Beach, FL just a few miles from I-95. We offer convenient kitchen rentals for food-based businesses including caterers, chefs, bakers, food manufacturers, food trucks, and food carts.
We also own a commissary kitchen in Seminole County. We are familiar with the permitting process and can help walk you through it.
Our kitchen is fully equipped with a 12-burner gas stove, ovens, convection ovens, walk-in refrigeration, freezers, and more. We also have a small pick-up lobby that is perfect for ghost kitchen operations and pickup orders.
Please contact us for a tour or more information.
Yearly membership $125
Food Trucks & Carts starting at $1000/year.
Tiered hourly plans are available
1220 Hand Ave., Unit F, Ormond Beach, FL 32174, USA
$125 Member Fee
See other kitchens in Ormond Beach, FL.
Let us know about any information you want to change.
Increase your likelihood of getting a response! Read this article to make sure you are prepared to cook out of a commercial kitchen.